About the Astrologer

Thank you for being here. My name is David Gould.

I have studied and practiced astrology intensively for the past 18 years. My interest came from a long-standing study of Ayurveda, yoga, and other spiritual traditions, a path I intentionally began in my late teens.

As an uncompromising seeker for the truth, my intentional practice in daily life is to see the interconnection of all things and to connect to the source of being. My experience is that by strengthening this connection, we ease the path towards physical health and solve disease, foster emotional well-being and personal growth, and attract supportive circumstances into our lives. We can learn to understand ourselves more deeply, and trust our own power and ability to evolve and grow; astrology helps us do that.

I have always inherently been drawn to serving others, to share my energy and ideas to create better situations for individuals, groups, and the collective of humanity. My most rewarding moments come through direct transmission of divine energy with other persons.

In addition to my astrological practice, I have a university degree from MIT in life sciences and have worked for almost 30 years in the world of food systems, agriculture, and ecosystems management, striving for socially just and ecologically sustainable societies. For even a decade longer I have been imagining, creating and implementing alternative education models ranging from toddlers to adults.

Astrology comes alive through the dynamic interaction between the astrologer and the person(s) requesting a reading. I view each reading as a blessing and appreciate this special opportunity to help others know more about their own reality.

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