News & Developments

*Note: with all of the commentaries I offer here, a fuller Vedic astrological analysis reveals supporting nuances beyond what our space here allows us to discuss. If you have further curiosity, feel free to contact me.

Hamas attacks Israel – 7 October 2024, Sderot, Israel, 6:35 am local time

One of the first things to jump out in this chart is eclipsed ascendant, with the south node of the moon (the inherited past) only a fraction of a degree away from it, thereby severely influencing the motivation and affecting the trajectory going forward. Compounding this affliction, Mars is less than two degrees away. All three of these zodiacal elements find themselves in Libra. The outward image of self (ascendant) thus takes a militant approach to relationships (in Libra, opposing the 7th sign and house Aries). And this is even more so, as the natal chart 1st house/sign combination is repeated in the Navamsha*.

Meanwhile Venus, the ruler of the first house, is afflicted by Saturn retrograde in the fifth in its own sign of Aquarius, opposing Venus in the 11th in Leo. Both are in fixed signs; this particular combination does not bode well for a progressive outlook, especially since Venus is the chart ruler. Saturn, as the yogakaraka of the chart (ruler of the fourth and fifth, in the fifth) is in a sense the most powerful force present, yet retrograde, constricted in its self-expression, and stunting Venus’ opportunity for a more beneficial expression. In a political context, such a configuration also portends a general suffering of the masses (Saturn opposing Venus), and a negative effect on children (5th house). Venus is also ruler of the eighth house of death, hence, along with the malefic forces in the first house we see the mixed results of Hamas’ motivation with its outward manifest results. It is onteresting to also see that, aside from the eclipsed ascendant and Mars, Saturn is the only planet that falls below the horizon, so one of Hamas’ vehicles for inner reflection (as the 4th house ruler) in this event of warfare is not the best combination for a softer approach.

The lunar nodes indicate the karmic axis. The south node occupying the first house is “the way in” for Hamas, the path from whence it comes. Note also the Sun in the 12th sign, but also falling in the first house – an indication that the internal drive for liberation (12th) of the self (1st house, and Hamas/Palestine in this context) runs deep and the self holds this as its dharmic compass reading. Sun in Virgo is seeking tangible works, material progress. The message (Mercury in Virgo in the 12th) Hamas is trying to communicate is clear – or at least as clear as its leaders are able to muster. Mercury ruling its own sign and house here, and also ruling the ninth house of the self’s sense of life’s purpose and meaning, gives Hamas its sense of moral justification and righteousness, while the rulership makes the chosen approach strong – for better or worse.

The north note of the moon points to the way through, the new avenues that must be explored in order to realize a higher evolution. North node in the seventh house shows that this evolution must be realized through proper relationships. Aries on the seventh sign is however a volatile combination. Militant, fiery tendencies, impulsiveness, and in this case, reckless courage lead to widespread death – Jupiter, while in the seventh sign of Aries also falls in the eighth house, of which death is one of the most categorical significators. Jupiter is functionally malefic for a Libra ascendant, and is retrograde in this chart; any benefits might only be perceived internally, or be delayed…

The Moon is the nexus of mentality, motivation and function, and expresses itself in Gemini with a need for self-expression and surprise. Despite a would-be fortunate ninth sign placement, the darkness of the eclipsed ascendant results in a cutoff from a deeper truth and thereby repeats the older “diversion” of the same old wartime approach. The Moon falls also in the tenth house, manifesting Hamas’ massive sense of mission and desire to leave a lasting achievement. In a perverse way this is indeed happening.

The inner and the outer reflect each other. So at least for the moment, the bottom line is that an approach such as has been taken here by Hamas will not yield a lasting solution; it is fraught with long-seated inner conflict. I’ll update and expand on this discourse as events and insights further unfold.

*Vedic astrology has, in addition to the natal chart, a series of mathematical divisional charts that reflect specific dimensions of the subject whose chart it is. The Navamsha is the ninth division and generally considered the most significant division.

13 March 2022 – Bitcoin: Mission Critical

A lot has been written and spoken about Bitcoin. If you are interested in Bitcoin at all, you have probably read or heard something about it, so this article will focus on its astrological makeup. Astrology looks at the inherent nature with which a person, organization, entity, or event is born – and then what forces act on it and how it may evolve over time. In this case our subject is Bitcoin itself.

We take Bitcoin’s birth as being 31 October 2008, in New York City at 2:10 pm. This is based on the time and place stamp of the initial email that apocryphal Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto sent, containing his White Paper which introduced his new cryptocurrency to the world.

Bitcoin’s chart is striking in several ways. What jumps out immediately is the Kal-Sarpa yoga formed as Rahu the head of the mystical serpent leads all planets in Bitcoin’s zodiac and devours them all through retrograde motion until it eats its own tail Ketu. No planets are left outside of this half of the zodiac. Any time this arrangement occurs in a chart we must look to the root of karmic law. Our own actions with respect to the lunar nodes speaks to direct reward and punishment from the cosmic source; either we align on the side of “good” and “right” or we pay the price.

Rahu in the 1st house of Capricorn speaks to a need to exert one’s own individuality in the material realm, of a need to be self-reliant and carve out its own destiny. South node Ketu in Cancer in the 7th house of relationship on the other hand speaks to having to get over an acquisitive and selfish bent and learn to also nurture others. Relying too much on the old system isn’t the way forward. Taking this in the context of Bitcoin, we see a new monetary system trying to replace an old one, an old one where money has become used pathologically to accumulate wealth to the detriment of a more far-reaching usefulness and concreteness in society – which is Bitcoin’s professed mission, aptly manifesting through its Ascendant Capricorn. Ketu in Cancer can be an unreliable (or at least unusual) nurturer; its ruler, the Moon, in deeply challenging Scorpio in the 11th sign makes possible a sometimes bumpy and uncomfortable ride, and potentially unexpectedly rewarding outcomes. The Moon also finds itself falling actually in the 10th house, turbo-charged by a Mars just past the midheaven, and bent on making a known and lasting impact. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and Bitcoin’s chart as a whole, finds itself with a not-too-dissimilar backdrop, in the depths of the 8th house in Leo, where it sticks itself firmly in hidden matters, focused (one might daresay obsessed) with making a regal presence of itself.

With Kal-Sarpa yoga, anything can happen. Unlike other arrangements, there is no counterbalancing planetary force(s) to give relief from this ultra-karmic hold of the nodes. The nodes are the karmic axis, which show us the deepest lessons we have been given to learn. There is thus much for Bitcoin to accomplish in its life, no distractions if those lessons are to be learned.

Besides the social mission Bitcoin espouses to right the wrongs of the current financial paradigm, there is the more individual human tendency toward self-preservation that plays in the hearts of probably every Bitcoin enthusiast – ie how to make more money. These two seemingly opposite tendencies – self-preservation versus altruistic mutual aid – can exist together, but they don’t have to. And if history is any indicator, they might not, even if Bitcoin ends up becoming the “new gold standard.” Bitcoin’s chart shows forces in both directions.

The possibility for a positive outcome all around does exist, however. Venus, significator of material wealth and comfort, and the chart’s yogakaraka (ruler of the benefic 5th and powerful 10th houses) falls in the 11th, a recipe for windfalls. Mercury and the Sun combine in the fortunate 9th house, conditions that can bode for clear communication (Mercury) on grounded matters (Mercury in Virgo) and a sense of justice for those whom embrace Bitcoin (Sun in Libra). Libra (the scales) is a sign of justice, while Jupiter in Sagittarius reinforces Bitcoin’s sense of righteousness. Sagittarius and Jupiter are the 12th house however, which tells us that we must remain vigilant and not simply expect that all automatically will go well without our due attention; Jupiter in the 12th could spell carelessness and material loss.

Next, a few words about some aspects in the chart: Saturn in the 8th in Leo loosely aspecting the Sun (10-degree orb) could can be a cause for some backfiring – too much pride in itself can lead to misfortune. The active Mars also aspecting the 1st house and its occupants (Rahu in particular) from the 10th house means going ahead and consequences be damned, for better or worse. Jupiter closely aspecting Saturn could ameliorate Saturn’s dark side – or it could use its own carelessness to redouble the potential for loss!

The bottom line on Bitcoin: it’s a wildcard. Know when to get in and when to get out. To do that, know your own chart – the planetary dispositions in the natal and annual horoscope, the timing of the planetary cycles, and the heavenly transits. And watch Bitcoin’s own inner planetary cycle along with the heavenly transits. As with all of my summary readings on these pages, please understand that what is here is a partial snapshot; more can be said. If you are curious, feel free to contact me.

5 March 2022 – War in Ukraine Unfolds

The two leaders Zalenskyy and Putin might not be able to get “more opposite” to each other than they already are – in temperament, in their impact on humanity.

Volodomyr Zelensky, 25 January 1978, 14:00 – Krovoy Rog, Dnipropterovs’ka Oblast, Ukraine

Putin’s actions reflect the shadow of human beings. From my previous post, we can easily see how Putin’s astrological makeup is conducive to cruel and destructive tendencies, which he now focuses by scarring Ukraine and its people. The ripple effect of the disaster in Ukraine is of course also being felt around the world.

Zelenskyy’s actions and words on the other hand reflect the side of humanity that moves in the light. We see a man whose inherent nurturing spirit applies to all scales of humanity – Ascendant in Taurus he stands on firm ground, inherently nurturing and able to rise to the occasion (Cancer Moon in third-sign / fourth-house combination), and sense the broader mood of the moment. Zelenskyy’s 4th lord Sun in the 9th in Capricorn conjunct 1st lord Venus is a powerful rajayoga, a highly auspicious combination that bodes well for manifesting a beautiful life, not just for himself, but as part of the greater values being expressed by the large majority of the entire human population. Appealing to the good of humanity, the humanness of us all, the world has united around Ukraine.

Saturn in Leo in the 4th lends some modesty to Zelenskyy’s demeanor as well as a degree of satisfaction, a strong counterpoint against any tendency toward Putinesque megalomania. Saturn is yogakaraka being lord of both the 9th and 10th, exchanging lordship with the 4th lord Sun in Capricorn, a combination that leads to mutually beneficial sharing of strength and positive attributes of both planets.

Jupiter in Gemini, but also in the 1st house enables his expansive ideas to fuel his own rise and give him momentum as his Moon-Jupiter cycle currently runs. Around October of this year Zelenskyy may see a shift into a more stable situation as Saturn’s subcycle rises. But for now, the situation in Ukraine gets worse by the minute…

The future is uncertain. Zelenskyy is in a good position to lead, if he is allowed to continue. The mounting global unity in support of Ukraine and against Putin’s Russia is unprecedented in human history. Their respective fates will continue to play out on the world stage. Even if Ukraine is cast out of the play for an act, expect its reprise and redemption before the story is finished.

11 February 2022 – Vladimir Putin: the beginning of his end

Vladimir Putin, 7 October 1952, 09:30 – Sankt-Peterburg, Russia

Charismatic by nature (Moon exalted in 7th-house Taurus), Vladimir Putin has used his fierce and twisted power-mongering combination of Scorpio rising followed by Mars in second-house Sagittarius to manifest his materialistic opportunism (11th-house Sun along with Saturn in Virgo). The easy wealth and luck he has gotten by burning his enemies (2nd-house ruler Jupiter in Aries the 6th) is about to end, as his Saturn cycle has recently ended. Next major planetary phase ruler 8th and 11th lord Mercury is sitting in the 11th house, which may mean shorter-term success and gains through “darker” ventures, but losses and reversal of fortune could be sudden as Mercury sits early in 12th sign of loss and closure, in Libra where the scales of justice will not be held off. How long until his fall is a little difficult to pinpoint exactly, but I predict no more than a few years.

Meanwhile, Ukraine will not be defeated. Major planetary cycle Jupiter dominates the scene and will retain its brilliant Leo self-exertion as it grows further into its own individual sovereignty by weathering Putin’s storm.

Ukraine independence – 24 August 1991, 12:00 – Kyiv

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